A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Thursday, June 30, 2011


I have no doubt...

that no matter what happens...

this little boy

is going to conquer the world.

I love you "Yellow Hiya"!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lazy day with my piggy

Today Ally and I had one of those days. You know the kind where you stay in your pajamas all day and watch The Lion King 4 times in a row? Best. Day. Ever.

After our 4th time watching Mufassa die, Ally decided she felt really bad for Simba and wanted to send him a letter to "The Lion Kingdom" to make him feel better. For all of you who don't know... Cartoons ARE real animals and they have feelings. And they live in a place called "Ikyka-poopy" (because EVERY sentence must somehow include the words "Poop, butt, booty, pooty, poopy" or it isn't a productive sentence)

I was quite proud of my favorite little piggy. She drew this picture all by herself (minus the spelling help). For those who can't quite read 4 year old hand-writing it says "I heart my daddy" and she signed her name and drew a picture of Mufassa.

Afterwards she and I had a lengthy conversation about how she wanted to go to the cartoon animal heaven and be a vet to help the dead Lions. I was so proud...but a little un-nerved. This was NOT a typical day with Ally. She was being so...sweet?!


Spencer ran over her toe in his walker and our Chihuahua Mansie's tail, who then lashed out at Ally by growling and air biting.

Ally: Son on a "bench" you stupid Chihuahua butt! You can go die and live with Mufassa! Damn it!"

And I remembered why I love that girl so much.