A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Friday, March 26, 2010


My little sister Ally (insert screams "I'M NOT ALLY!!!") has decided that she absoultely does not like her name. In fact, she hates it so much that even the slight slip of of the sound "Aa as in apple" sends her over the edge. I assumed this was normal... I mean after all who doesn't want to be named after the newest disney princess or their favorite Barbie.

Of course this isnt the case for Ally either. Her names have consisted of "Pink Frog", "Pink Pig", and "Pink Lexie" (my dogs name), among other various unnaturally pink animals. There is even the occasional "Pink Taylor Swift", "Pink Abby Cadabby" and "Pink Cow Girl Jesse". Until last night when she changed her name again...

Jordan: Okay Al- I mean Pink Pig it's time for bed.

Pink Pig: I'M NOT PINK PIG! I'M NOT PINK PIG (insert pouting, closed
eyes and an utter look of disgust).

Jordan: Who are you then?

Pink Pig: Ham.

Jordan: Pink Ham?

Pink Pig aka Ham: No Sessa (insert eye roll), just Ham.

That's right. Ham, just Ham. She even convinced her entire dance class that this was her name today. I spent an entire day calling a 3 year old Ham...I didnt think it could get any worse, until tonight...

Jordan: Okay Ham, it's time for bed

Ham: I'M NOT HAM!!

Jordan: Who are you?


This I cannot deal with.

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