A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Big Kid TV"

(Ally, Edward, Bella, Nessie, and Taylor Swift having a tea party)

I will be the first to admit, as much as I do love to sit and ponder such questions like why on "The Wiggles" Anthony is such a terrible dancer, when exactly he had his nose job, and why Murray is even on the show.
Or why Dora the Explorer's head is shaped like a football but all her siblings and cousins are normal. Or why there aren't any boy "My Little Pony's"... there comes a point when you realize that you spend more time worrying these mind boggling questions than about who is dying on Desperate Housewives this week. Seriously, I am 2 weeks behind on Greys Anatomy but completely caught up on the newest Fresh Beat Band episodes.
Obviously this is not normal for most 21 year old college students, but it is for me and any other person who was given a sibling 15+ years younger than them.

In hopes to avoid this, I thought it extremely important when Ally and Cooper were born to expose them to "big kid TV" at an early age. Especially Ally who spends the most time in the "college scene". Not only does this save my sanity, but it also keeps them from learning to "taaaaalk withhhh theeee saaaame riise and fallllllllll" in her voice as Dora.

From a very young age she was encouraged to watch Secret Life of the American Teenager, Grey's Anatomy, Gilmore Girls, and of course Twilight (seriously, what 2 year old isn't going to choose sparkling vampires over Wonder Pets?) She is also slightly obsessed with every single Taylor Swift song that ever existed. Including her monologue from Saturday Night Live.
Now this may seem irresponsible but lets all remember: You'd take watching Gilmore Girls over Yo Gabba Gabba anyday. Besides, it teaches kids important life lessons.

For example take "Twilight" life lessons: Ally has already discovered that her three chihuahuas are actually werewolves. She knows that Jacob is "Blahhhhh" (please picture her sticking her finger down her throat), and she has learned that if she acts like Bella and whines enough, she gets EXACTLY what she wants. What more does she need to learn in life? And of course Cooper, even at the tender age of 1 knows that biting is the "in" thing to do.

With big kid TV you should also be aware of the possible consequences. Like the time I tried to make Ally watch "Alice and Wonderland (the old Disney one) and she rolled her eyes at me and said "Sessa, that is NOT the real Alice...she doesn't sparkle". Or the time she was completely convinced that Lorelei Gilmore was her mom...and now lived inside the TV.
Either way, it definitely makes playing Barbies way more interesting...plus no one looks at you like you are crazy when it is your sister begging for you to buy her the "EdwardBella movie Barbies".
So, how many of you out there have forced your child/sibling/other to watch "Big Kid" TV?

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