A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 1

I'm Jordan (obviously). Most everyone who reads this blog knows my life story, but just in case here are my 15 random facts.

1. When I was little, I basically never got homesick. Now it kills me to be away from my family.

2. I hate chicken. Like am absolutely repulsed by it.

3. I worry about everything.

4. Everything makes me cry. Happy, sad, angry...my emotions are attached to my tear ducts.

5. I would rather spend the night playing with kids than be out partying. They're much more intelligent than drink people.

6. I am obsessive about school work and strive for straight A's...and get them 99% of the time.

7. I love my dogs too much. I'm sure people probably refer to me as "that crazy dog girl" but I'm okay with that.

8. I am most interested in pet oriented child psychopathology. Children and dogs are my two passions, so I can't think of a better way of incorporating them into a career.

9. I pick on my mom for having so many kids, but I am so thankful for every one of my siblings.

10. I like to eat tomato soup for breakfast. It stems back to my high school days when Courtney and I ate soup for breakfast while watching ER on TNT or Dawson's Creek on TBS.

11. I am obsessive about TV show couples. If my favorite couple breaks up I basically stop watching the show.

12. I am a huge procrastinator when it comes to studying and papers, but apparently the whole "night before" thing works for me.

13. My biggest fear is something happening to one of my family members. My second biggest is not achieving my goals in life.

14. I am least stressed when I am marathoning a box set of a new TV show at 4AM with my best friend Rachel while cooking spaghetti and vampire pizza.

15. I've learned over the past few years that what works for most people my age isn't always what works for me. I take life at my own pace and have learned that I am much happier for it.

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