A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Monday, March 21, 2011


Hello everyone!

I’ve kind of been slacking in blog world lately…ok well I guess it’s more like I dropped off the blog planet. I’ve been super busy trying to become a productive human being…or finding a rich husband, whichever comes first.

But now my mom has started a blog and I figure if she has time to update, so can I. Plus, one of my best friends Kristie and her sister Michelle have given me some motivation. So back to the crazy life that is mine…living with 3 kids under 4…and 6 dogs that I’m pretty sure are actually pigs in disguise.

A lot has been going on around here too that I just haven’t had the heart to write about. Mostly because it makes me tear up whenever I start to type it out…but now that my mom has started her amazing blog, I guess it’s time I can fill everyone in.

Cooper (or “Woody” as he is now basically morphed into) was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy over Christmas. I’m not going to go into great detail about his symptoms, issues, and technical medical terms here because this blog isn’t about what he has. This blog is about who he is. I never want him to be labeled as “that kid with cerebral palsy”. I want him to grow up proud that he is a person OVERCOMING this diagnosis. Cerebral palsy is part of who Cooper is…but it isn’t Cooper. He isn’t a diagnosis or symptom and so I will never focus on that aspect of his life here. I don’t ever want him to read this and think that his diagnosis was all I saw because when I look at him all I see are those beautiful big brown eyes and the sweetest, most spectacular little boy I’ve ever met. He gives me motivation to succeed because he does…he also drives me crazy sometimes because he’s 2. That’s just Cooper. A normal toy story obsessed 2 year old who happens to have one more challenge on this plate than the rest of us. However, if you would like to follow his progress more in depth you can follow my moms blog. She’s on a mission to give him the best most normal life possible and she WILL succeed.

Now for the fun updates!

My Princess Piggy turned 4 today! Can you believe it? I’m not really sure how this happened…I guess the same way she magically transformed from “Pink Pig” into Ally overnight. She’s definitely growing up and it’s amazing…and so sad at the same time. She is playing a Mango in her Pre K 3 program in Thursday. When my mom asked her if she knew what a mango was her response was “Mommmmm (because she’s 4 going on 16 and every word is drug out in an annoyed whine) It’s that dance you do, you know a MANGO!” I’m sure she’ll be absolutely adorable on stage and I’ll embarrass everyone by screaming like a 13 year old girl at a Justin Bieber concert.

For her birthday all she really wanted was a “real Dalmatian”. She’s still obsessed with pigs but I think she’s come to terms with the fact that she isn’t getting one anytime soon. I guess a Dalmatian seemed a little more plausible. She even offered to give away the Chihuahuas. This is possibly because the only way I can wake her up in the mornings is by telling her that our smallest Chihuahua Mansie has peed on something she finds hilarious (my shoes, robe, shirt, leg…you get the picture). She then lectures him about how she is coming to call Cruella De Ville to come and get him so that she can get her real Dalmatian. I’d feel bad for Mansie if it weren’t for the fact that he has peed on all of the above mentioned items before.

The good news is that at the age of 4 I’d say that Ally is officially potty trained! There was another bathtub pooping incident a few months ago but apparently she was just trying to get Cooper out of the tub and that was the only way she could think to do it.

However Cooper has quickly filled our pooper role. While my best friend Rachel was out here this week he pooped all over his room, the hallway, and my moms room. It was like a rabbit hopping through the house leaving a trail. I have pictures but I thought I’d spare everyone the graphic seen. I think he was just testing Rachel to make sure she really loved him enough to come and be his new Nanny next year.

Cooper is unhealthily obsessed with toy story. It’s like a drug… if he goes longer than a few hours without watching it you start to see the withdrawal symptoms…the moaning of “woooooooody” haunts me in my sleep. Cooper is also amazing when it comes to torturing Ally. He knows every single button of hers to press to completely infuriate her. Even with his diagnosis he’s a little more coordinated than the Piggy… so he’s learned to work with that advantage. The other day he literally had her pinned to the floor sitting on her! She’s 20 pounds more than him and he had her pinned…that takes talent.

Now for my Dr. Spencer Reed! He’s basically just the best baby ever. He’s like a mellow version of Ally which is a good combination. Next to his Mommy his favorite thing in the house is Lexie. She spends every second she can get licking him. He’s either the cleanest or dirtiest (depending on what Lexie’s been eating) baby ever haha. He’s at that hard blogging age so I’ll just have to post some pictures of his cute face soon.

Anyway…I’ll try to keep a running list of updates and post once or twice a week. It helps me procrastinate the work I have to put forth to become an upstanding educated citizen.

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