A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

3...and 1/4

When you're little, birthdays are a big deal. If you don't understand how big of a deal then you were obviously never or kid...or your parents didn't love you enough to make your birthdays absolutely amazing. There's a reason you never meet a 6 year old or a 8 year old. They're always 6 and 1/2 or almost 9. This is because there's nothing more exciting than getting older, right? Wrong. There is nothing more exciting than cake, presents, and an entire room of people paying attention to you. So obviously what little girl would love birthdays the very most? Ally of course.

She's been planning her three and one fourth birthday ever since she realized we would be celebrating her brothers 16th birthday when he arrived from North Carolina. She suddenly realized that her birthday was gone. It was someone else's turn. And her pig cake would not be returning.

I'll let you imagine for yourself the screaming, crying, begging, and random fits that were thrown because she wanted her "birthday back". Luckily she isn't one to dwell on the word "can't". In this case it came in the phrase "You can't have your birthday back, not until March 21st". She Pink Pig got smart. Obviously her birthday wasn't going to come back... at least not until we informed her it was finally March 21st.

So she became extremely generous...and offered to share her brothers birthday with him. See, now this is where I know we have obviously done an amazing job raising her. Sharing skills are intact. She even offered to let him have a bite of his cake (a pig one of course).

And so, being the little Princess she is (and the fact that she is going to have hear surgery this week) everyone caved. Pink Pig got her birthday back. Pig cupcakes and all. And as of today, she can officially say that she is 3 and 1/4 year olds.

Seriously though, you only turn 3 and 1/4 once.

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