A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back from Disney!

Minus Courtney and Michael :(

So we finally got back from Disney this morning after a cancelled flight with 2 extremely cranky children. Cranky. Tired. Whiney. Screaming. Yelling. Hitting. 4 hours of sleep. Just a few words that described our morning.

Disney itself was a blast of course. Cooper seemed to enjoy it the most. Obviously Ally loved it but it was Cooper whose eyes lit up at the sight of Mickey Mouse. I never thought I'd enjoy watching a little boy play on a water deck more than I would enjoy riding a roller coaster. He hated the characters when they got close to him, but he definitely admired from afar. And other than the bus rides we had to take to and from the hotel, universal, ect; (he has issues when he isn't in a carseat) I can't imagine a better behaved little boy.

Ally is going through a serious stubborn phase fit for a 13 year old. She apparently took the princess attitude literally and wouldn't speak to the commoners (aka everyone who wasn't Sessa, Courty, Mommy or Daddy). The Disney cast members are also sweet enough to refer to every little girl as a Princess. What little girl wouldn't love this? Ally of course. Her names for the trip were "Pig", "Lady Lexie", "Pink Stitch" and best of all... "Princess Scout" which is what she made all of the fairy godmothers at Bippity Boppity Boutique refer to her as. Scout, as in our boy Chihuahua. We definitely got some strange looks but it was worth it. She had a blast, dressed up like Princess Tiana, rode every ride she was allowed on, and bought everything she could ever want.

I also for the first time realized that I am getting old. I actually WANTED to go back to the room in the middle of the day to make a nap. It was really hot. Like 90 degrees hot. And it rained a lot. Have I mentioned how much I like rain? It cools everything down. And thanks to my Brazillion Blowout, I love it even more.

It's bitter sweet being home because I know the next time we get on a plane, we won't be going somewhere fun. We'll be going to Boston. I've wanted to go to Boston ever since the song "Boston" by Augustana came out. I even saw them at House of Blues in LA and joked with my mom for a month that we should go to Boston.

Now we're going and I'm dreading it. We leave on June 23rd for Pink Pig to get her heart fixed. For those of you who may not know, she has two small holes in her heart along with Pulmonary Stenosis. They are going to fix her two holes with a catheter through the artery in her leg. I get a pit in my stomach just typing it. It's nothing "serious". It isn't a big deal, at least that's what all the websites say when you google it. There are so many worse things she could have, I should probably be grateful that this is supposed to be so simple. And I am. I just wish that it were nothing and that she didn't have to go through this. I'm not a religious person, but please pray. Pray, wish, cross your fingers, toes, and everything else that everything goes perfect with this surgery. Please pray that she isn't in pain, and that she understands the best she can how much we love her and that we don't want this anymore than she does. I wish she were old enough to understand that her Sessa would change places with her in a second so that she didn't have to do this.

The other night she asked me to tell her what it was like when she was born. I told her like I always do about how she was in NICU, how the chihuahuas were so excited to meet her, and obviously explained how excited I was to see her and how much I love her. This time she randomly asked me afterwards "Sessa? Was your Sessa so happy for you when you was born?" I explained that I didn't have a Sessa, because I was Mommy's first baby. She looked extremely sad for a second. Sad and confused. Finally she said "Sessa, you don't have a Sessa?" and a tear rolled down her little cheek. I explained more throughly that I was the first and I didn't have a sister until Courtney was born. She thought for a minute and finally smiled and said "Sessa, I'm your Sessa. We played together in Mommy's centa (placenta) so you don't be sad. We holded hands. I love you"

I've told my mom a million times that I can't imagine loving my own children more than I love Ally and Cooper. And I honestly can't. They are my babies. I've been there for every milestone, every Birthday, Christmas, scraped knee, leg limps, blood work and split open chins.

So I'm going to be there to hold her hand through this surgery too. I'm going to play with her and do my job as her Sessa to keep her mind off of everything. So please pray for me too, and for my Mom and George because I know if I'm this stressed and worried they most definitely are too. Thanks :)

On a happier note, more Disney pictures and stories to come as soon as I upload them!

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