A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Sunday, June 27, 2010


We're back with a super happy energetic pink pig! You can read Ally's care page for details about her surgery.
Overall we had a great trip to Boston. I got to do a little but of shopping on Thursday afternoon with my favorite 2 boys. We did a lot of walking but that was okay since I spent 8 straight hours in a hospital bed with Ally on Friday. After her surgery she had to lay flat for 6 hours and keep her legs completely still. The first hour was rough. The mixture of anesthesia, versaid, and morphine was not a good combo. She wasn't Ally. She screamed, kicked, tried to pull her IV's out, ect; then she FINALLY passed out and slept for about 2 hours. When she woke up she was back to her normal self for the most part...the anesthesia made her sick on her stomach but other than that she did amazing. She slept on and off for the next couple hours. We watched Barbie Swan Lake about 10 times lol.

By Friday night she was allowed up and so we went exploring. I spent the night with her since I usually am the one who sleeps with her anyway. Everyone thought she'd be most comfortable if I were there so we had an adventure down to get her chest x-ray then to see the fish in the lobby. Nothing too interesting to write about which in my opinion is a good thing! Everything went completely normal...
Saturday morning both IV's were out, bandages changed and we weer back at the hotel room by 10:00 AM. Then on a plane back to Lexington by 2:30.

Today's she's back to her normal self. She doesn't even seem to be sore! Definitely a brave little pig if you ask me!

She's currently in the playroom trying to send Cooper to time out...

Not the most interesting post...but definitely a happy one! I'll write a more detailed post about our trip when I'm not playing referee.

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