A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Why is it...

Why is it that things like this:
only happen on days like this:
She's lucky I love her enough to hold her down and scrub her pretty little face.

Otherwise Pink Pig's first ever dance rehearsal went AMAZING. I've never been so proud. She wore her costume without throwing a temper fit that it itched. She went backstage all by herself without needing Mommy or Sessa. She got up on stage. She screamed "Hi Sessa!" as loud as she possibly could into the audience. I obviously stood up and screamed "Hi Ally" right back. She danced. She smiled. She walked off stage the way she was supposed too.

Then she threw her temper fit. Why? Because they did not let her dance to Taylor Swift. Not that I blame her though. T. Swift is much better dance music than Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...

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