A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Two halves make a whole

Today at Ally’s ballet class, I had the perfect chance to teach Ally how to tactfully respond to rude, inappropriate, and otherwise meaningless statements. (I should mention that this statement came after an extremely weird stalkerish conversation in which she initiated).

Rude nameless person: Oh, so she’s just your half sister.

Appropriate response: Why, yes. Biologically she and I only share the same mother. We have different fathers. Therefore she is my “half” sister.

My actual response: Yes, and if she keeps growing like this in a few years she’ll be tall enough to be my whole sister.

I don’t mind if you state the obvious. Ally and Cooper are my half siblings. Just don’t imply that because of this minor biological detail they are any less “real” siblings to me than my two “whole” siblings. I may then have to imply that because you dress your 6 year old like a hooker, she will probably become a real one.

Besides, we all know that Ally is half pig anyway.

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