A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!!

Happy Mothers Day to the best mom ever, at least according to 5 kids... My Mom!
We tried to go shopping yesterday with two little dragons in tow. It actually went pretty well.
Jordan: a pair of white Joe's Jeans Capri's

Pink Dragon: Coach Purse, Coach Wallet, Tiara, insane amount of clothes from Gap.
Blue Dragon: Insane amount of clothes from Gap

Mom: Nothing

So today I sent her out to do her real shopping, get a mani-pedi, ect;

While she was gone...

I made the hungry dragons their snack before they decided to eat me.

While I was making their popped fish (popcorn) I gave them mish mash's to tide them over.
When I returned 2 minutes and 50 seconds later...disaster.
I don't really know why I'm always the one they poop, pee, throw up on/with. But they do. Maybe that's how dragons show their love. Who knows. Anyway, while I have heard stories of kids painting/playing/smearing their poop from their diaper all over walls/toys/floors/tables I had never actually experienced it. I knew Ally and Cooper were much too smart for this, I mean only dumb kids with no toys feel the need to play in their poop. Right? Wrong. Apparently it only makes the play more fun. It must be a boy thing.
I'll spare you the details and just say baths were needed.
While in the tub, pink dragon decided that while her brother dragon liked to mark his territory with poop, that she must figure out a way to do the same. Apparently splashing a gallon of water out of the tub while I am drying blue dragon off suffices and if this is the actual case, she now lays claim to the entire floor mat.
Back to the playroom with Clorox wipes in tow, I started the sanitizing. Only apparently even when I am in the same room, it's super important to try and destroy as much as possible. Understandable since they are dragons. Of course this would be the day that Pink Dragon would feel the need to turn nice and help her brother dragon...open magic markers.


When is "Sessa's Day" again?

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