A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

One of those days...

Today was one of those days. Not necessarily a bad day. Overall I'd actually rate it a pretty good one...but it was a long one. Definitely a blog worthy one.

Ally went her second night in a row sleeping ALL night in underwear. She's only been potty training for 3 days now so technically this means she's never wet the bed. This also means however that the sister who sleeps beside her rolls over every hour paranoid there is going to be a huge wet spot. At 4AM I finally broke down and slipped on a pull up without her knowledge. This however did not make the 3 year old dragon happy when she woke up dry...and in a pull up. So my morning started with "Sessa, I doesn't pee in the fairy bed." Eyeroll. Strike 1.

We got off to school early and she was in a great mood. She peed in the potty before leaving the house. She was stylin in her "vet" scrubs and Ariel crocs (which reminds me of a post I will write later about the many MANY things I swore I'd never let a kid leave the house in...) We talked the whole way to school about being a vet and taking care of baby dragons which is her future career for the week. We get to school early, walk through the door happy, and snap...trip on the scrub pants and face plant in the hallway. Strike 2.

I should mention that her teacher, a super sweet lady probably thinks Ally is bipolar with multiple personalities. Of course I am pretty sure every 3 year old has these tendencies, Ally is just slightly more...dramatic than most. She grunted, screamed, and hid in the corner of the hallway when her teacher asked if she were a doctor and if her name was Miss Piggy. "I'm not a doctor! No! No! I'm a baby dragon vet!" Scream. Two seconds later she is hugging her teacher jabbering on about how she will turn all the sick dragons pink. She also told the speech therapist who came to evaluate the class today that all of her pee and poop came out of her "centa" (placenta, she is convinced she has a baby pig in her belly because she eats ham).

Next we went to T.J. Max, Walmart, and Toys R Us where we decided to take a potty break. All was well in the world of the 3 year old dragon. She was even excited about using this special potty. The prospect of a possible prize along with a chance to play in a new sink...Best. Day. Ever. Only problem? Who knew that Toys R Us would have automatic flushing toilets? Who knew that a 3 year old would not trigger the sensor when Sessa stepped away? Who knew that potties liked to eat baby Dragons? I wasn't aware of any of this until today...strike 3.

Finally we came home. Cooper was napping like the amazing little boy he is. Ally was throwing a temper tantrum refusing to poop in the potty. All was right with the world. Kendra, our sitter left, Cooper woke up and so we went outside to play and wait for Mommy to get home. I decided that since Ally was having such poop issues she could just play outside without her underwear. After all, what kid doesn't have memories running around in the grass naked? Plus I really REALLY didn't want to clean out Sleeping Beauty underwear after she pooped in them and insisted that they were cleaned that second. Now that I look back, I don't really know what I was thinking. Ally, poop in underwear? Never. She's much too sophisticated for that. Why poop in your underwear when you can squat in the front yard and poop like a dog in the grass? True Story. Now, while most people would be extremely disgusted by this action. We were proud. Phone calls were made to members of the family, congratulations were given. The feces was even compared to a Caterpillar Cocoon and a Guinea Pig by the cavalier three year old. She even made up a song about how proud she was of herself for pooping in the grass just like her dog. It included the words "I pee in the potty and I onlys poop in the grass". All I have to say is good luck to her teachers at recess next year.

While making the appropriate phone calls to explain the pooping incident to our other siblings, baby dragon managed to slam Cooper's fingers in his cozy coop, narrowly escaping time out. Poor Cooper seems to get beat up a lot. Not on purpose, but being at that awkward age where you still NEED help with everything but you don't WANT it puts him in the wrong place at the wrong time a lot. You really couldn't ask for a better behaved kid, which is why I think most of my blog posts are about Ally. He is so good natured, snuggly, and mild mannered that it's hard to write anything about him that wouldn't make people gag. Even in a cast up to his thigh and a horrible cold he is so much more laid back than Ally was at that age... I love both those kids to pieces and completely equally, but for different reasons. Ally keeps me on my toes, but Cooper keeps me sane. Ally demands my attention, but Cooper seems to appreciate it so much more. Anyway point being that Cooper recovered from his finger smash with grace and without grudge. Even when his sister refused to say she was sorry.

20 minutes later. Cooper slams Ally's fingers in the door. Ally screams. And screams. And screams. To be fair, it definitely deserved screams, I know it had to hurt. More screams. Then the vomit, her secret weapon. She manages to throw up almost every time she is hurt or mad. Although I don't think she's actually ever puked on anyone...except for me. EVERY TIME. She never misses. We go upstairs to clean up and shower, the whole time she is screaming that Cooper broke her fingers off. Luckily fingers magically grow back when bubbles are added to bath water.

All of this...and it's only 6PM. Luckily the rest of the night was spent in the basement having a Toy Story ball fight. The two of them against me...you can probably guess who won. Here's a hint, I was trying to throw the balls INTO the bouncer...

All of that being said... I can't imagine a more productive day :)

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