A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ally and Cooper update

I haven't written about the kids in a while so I thought I'd update.


Allyisms for the week.

Ally (yelling): Dog Damn-it!

Jordan: Ally! What did you just say?

Ally: I say Dog Damn it. Like you Sessa. Dog Damn-it! I'm not hungry!

(I've never been so thankful that Ally doesn't know who God is lol. So she just assumed I was saying Dog. It doesn't help that these "words" always slip when I am yelling at a dog about something lol. Obviously I've got to watch my language better lol)

In the car driving to Gymboree.

Jordan: Hey Pig, do you know what a baby pig is called?

Ally: Oinkers!

Jordan: No, They are called piglets.

Ally: No Sessa, they are called oinkers.

Jordan: What about a baby dog?

Ally: Ruffers.

Jordan: Baby cat?

Ally: Meowers.

Jordan Baby person?

Ally: A Cooper.

In the bedroom. Ally is rolling around the floor like she is possessed.

Jordan: Pig, WHAT are you doing?

Ally: Trying to lick my butt like Lexie. I'm a dog.

Currently Ally still begs to poop in the yard on a daily basis. We don't let her but every once in awhile when I take Lexie out to the front yard to pee (she has issues getting up and down our deck stairs now) I'll look over and Ally is squatting in the yard peeing.

She also threatened Cooper last night in the bathtub that if he didn't slide over she was going to "diarrhea him". I don't even want to know what that entails.


He refuses to call me Sessa. I'm just Jordan, which is fine. It's just funny because he only does it our of stubbornness. He waits for me to react after he calls me Jordan lol.

We learned this week that he hates music class at Gymboree. His way of coping is to sit with his head in your chest, eyes scrunched closed as night as they will go, and make a whining sound that is equivlent to a goat.

He has no fear what so ever and really prefers not to play with other kids at gymboree. I guess if I had to play with Ally everyday I'd avoid other kids too. He does love however to be given a mission to do, and he listens better than most 2o year olds. His talking is getting better and better every day, but he hasn't hit the point where I can write a whole "Cooperisms" section. He did however decide at 3AM last night with his parents out of town that he was going to kick Ally and I out of bed...literally. And not let us back in. He misses his Mommy and Daddy horribly. It didn't help that Ally told him that they were never coming home... and that they "ever lived in North Carolina now". Poor Cooper.

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