A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Friday, July 30, 2010

Puppy update!

Sorry for the lack of updates. It's been super busy around here between kids, puppies, new apartment, getting ready for vacation, ect;

Puppies are doing great though! They will be 2 weeks old tomorrow! I'm going to do a mini puppy photo shoot tonight so I'll post those pictures later.

All the puppies are "named" as of right now.

Dietrich (Ruby boy)- The biggest of all the puppies and Courtney's new baby. He loves to snuggle and knock other puppies out of the way when it comes time for food. He also whines like a human baby when something doesn't go his way.

Runtacuss (Ruby boy)- he desperately needs a new name. Runtacuss was bestowed upon him at 3 AM one night when I was trying to force him to eat because he was so little. He was a little runt and he made me cuss like a sailor. Therefore he is affectionately known as Runtacuss lol. Luckily the eating and cussing paid off because he's now the 2nd biggest! He has the prettiest markings of all the puppies with a "Kiss of Buddha" on his forehead.

Blues Clues (Ruby girl)- Lexie's mini me! She's absolutely precious and if I didn't already have a ruby I'd keep her. She has the exact same markings as her mommy and much the same personality. Love bug is really the only way to describe this little princess. I thought about naming her "Lady" since that is Lexie's first name. She's the smallest as of right now.

Sprinkles (Blenheim girl)- My new baby. Lexie loves all of her puppies but she's absolutely into Sprinkles. Maybe just because she has a different coloring than the other 3. She's the 2nd smallest and loves to snuggle with her sister. We always find the girls together on one side of the box and the boys on the other. Like I said, I'd keep them both if I didn't want to be labeled a dog hoarder. She's a pretty content puppy until it comes to her dinner. Then watch out... she can't ever seem to find her own nipple so she knocks everyone else off of theirs instead. Problem child much?

Lexie is doing great also! Although I'm pretty sure if she were a human mommy she'd have hired a nanny by now. She loves the puppies, but is too nosey to stay with them all the time. She'd much rather be down with the humans and so we are constantly back and forth up and down stairs putting her with the puppies. We had some issues with getting her to eat in the beginning but a few days ago she discovered food again and is eating everything in site!

Anyway just a quick update. Pictures to come later!

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