A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Puppy progress

We're getting close! The puppies ranged from 8-10 cm's today which seems huge to me. All I keep thinking is poor Lexie lol. They are all kicking and squirming around. It's a REAL party in her tummy! She loves me to hold her like a baby (on her back, stomach in the air) so it's the perfect position to feel the puppies kick. I'm not totally sure she knows what they are though because every time one gives her a big kick she jumps, then looks utterly annoyed haha. Inpatient mommy already. She's become super clingy within the past week so I've been letting her sleep in the bed with Ally and I again so she's definitely enjoying that haha.

We tried to go on our nightly walk about a week ago but Lexie only made it about 1/3 of the way before stopping, looking up at me, then whining excessively. In Lexie language that means carry me. So I got to push a stroller and carry an 11 pound dog. That is love.

What do pregnant dogs crave? Apples. She is obsessed. So much so she will stalk the kids out and take them (gently) right out of their hands lol. I've also been bribing her to eat her dog food by covering it with Spaghetti O's with hotdogs and heating it up in the microwave for 15 seconds. Can we say spoiled?

Her puppy room is all ready complete with everything a human baby would need, so we're definitely covered when it comes to puppies lol. I'll post pictures on my next post.

Everyone please cross you fingers that all goes well! We want a smooth and uneventful delivery with healthy Cavalier puppies!

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