A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Poop Chronicles

The title of this blog post should be self explanatory. In fact, if you have not read my previous posts about a certain Pink Pigs pooping issues, let me fill you in: Ally doesn't just pretend to be a pig. She absolutely truly believes with every ounce of her being that she is in fact a real life pink pig. That she made her grand appearance into this world oinking instead of crying.

Now logically, because she is a Pink Pig she poops where a pig would poop. All of which places do not include a potty, no matter how much we try to convince her that baby pigs ONLY poop in the potty.

Again if you haven't read my previous blog posts, these places include but are not limited too: the front yard, the back yard, the bath tub, the swimming pool, and in her underwear (because baby pigs wear underwear, obviously)

Now for todays story.

My mom and were sitting at the computer looking at the new Louis bags. Then we heard it. The unmistakable sound of a pig in trouble (or in our house...a 3 year old that has done something she is very proud of)


Now please understand that this sounds more like a dying goat... not an actual pig. We really aren't sure why she thinks pigs make this noise... much less pigs that are extremely proud of themselves.

Mom and I both looked up after a few minutes of the disgruntled oinks.

Mom: What is that smell?

Ally: Oinky Oink (Big smile)

Jordan: Oh no... Al- I mean Pig did you poop on the floor

Ally: OooOOiIIiiIINnnNNnkkKKKkkk (nod)

Mom/Jordan: WHERE?!?!?!

Ally: Oinky Oinkers OINKKKK

Apparently pigs loose their ability to speak english when they have completed a task such as pooping on the living room floor. So those of us who do not speak squealing 3 year old pig... we just followed the scent.

I'm sure you can guess what we found beside her favorite rock rock chair without me adding details.

We didn't understand until later that the location had been pre-planned. She's been trying to run her 16 year old brother our of "her" chair for 3 weeks now. Needless to say, she's finally succeeded.

She's also managed to become alpha dog in the house. Literally, all 6 dogs now follow her around like she is God. They are probably just in sheer amazement that she managed to poop in the house without being banished to the backyard for 3 hours.

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