A Sessa Blog

A Sessa Blog

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Any day!

We are getting closer and closer to puppies! Lexie's temperature was a low this afternoon of 98.9 (dogs usually run between 101 and 102). Once she gets down to about 98.0- 97.0 that means puppies within 24 hours! She has lost her appetite today too. I prepared her usual mixture of Royal Cannon Puppy Chow, dog food mixins, and scrambled eggs and she basically ignored it. A normal Lexie would have devoured this whole plate even though it's 3 servings worth! She's also been lying around all day. Even though she follows me everywhere, if I stop for just a second she lays down right in her tracks. Hopefully she'll have these puppies soon so she can get back to feeling better!

Lexie's dinner (made in bulk)

Puppy journal, notes, and Lady puppy

The puppy room! Whelping supplies are under the bed for quick access.

Lexie shrine

Puppy Mama hanging out in her bed :)

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